Makes about 6 cups 

Nutrition facts per 1 cup: Calories: 51; fat: 0g (saturated: 0g); carbohydrates: 12g; protein: 2g; fiber: 5g; sugar: 6g; sodium 605mg (Full nutrition label at bottom of page) 
You will need a 6-cup mason jar with lid for this recipe.

  • 1 head white cabbage, about 2¼ pounds, thinly sliced 

  • 2 large carrots peeled, shredded 

  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt

  • ½ teaspoon ground turmeric

  • 2 teaspoon caraway seeds

  • 2 teaspoons cumin seeds 

Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. Wearing food-handling gloves (the turmeric stains), massage the vegetables for about 10 minutes or until they release their moisture and soften.  

Spoon the vegetables into the jar, pressing it down firmly to remove any air pockets and to ensure that the top layer is covered by liquid. Cut a round out of a plastic deli container top to fit on top of the vegetables. Place something small (a salt bowl or crumpled up piece of foil works) on top of the plastic to ensure that cabbage stays submerged. Place the lid on and leave your jar on a plate to catch escaping liquid. 

Leave jars to ferment at a stable, cool room temperature (away from direct sunlight) anywhere from 5 -10 days. When kraut is ready it will have an acidic taste and soft but not mushy texture. The longer you leave it out, the stronger the flavors will develop. Replace the cheesecloth with a lid when you are ready to refrigerate. 

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