OVEN ONLY Peach and Blueberry Cobbler with Ginger-Oat Biscuits

Serves 8 

Nutrition per serving– calories: 275; fat: 8g (saturated: 4g), carbohydrates: 49g, protein: 4g, fiber: 2g, sugar: 24g, sodium: 182mg

This recipe works equally well with fresh or frozen peaches. If using fresh peaches, you can keep the skin on if you like. You can chop the peaches into ¾ inch chunks or sliced into ¾ inch wedges. If using frozen peaches, you can use them straight from the freezer, but you will need to add an additional 10 minutes cooking time to the first stage of cooking.


  • 1¼ pound ripe peaches, pitted and cut into ¾ inch wedges or chunks  (or 1 pound bag of frozen peaches, thawed)

  • 1 pound blueberries

  • ¼ cup sugar

  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch 

  • pinch salt

  • Ginger Oat Scones:
    3/4 cup old fashioned oats

  • ¾ cup all-purpose flour (or gluten-free flour)

  • ¼ cup sugar

  • 1¼ teaspoons baking powder

  • ¼  teaspoon baking soda

  • ¼ teaspoon salt

  • ¼ cup chopped candied ginger

  • 5 tablespoons cold, unsalted butter, cut in 1/4″ dice

  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt (non-fat or 2%)

  • 1 tablespoon coarse (turbinado) sugar for sprinkling (optional)

Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 425ºF.

Combine the peaches, blueberries, sugar, cornstarch, and salt in a large bowl, and toss until combined. Scrape the fruit and any juices into a 9-inch deep dish pie plate or a 2-quart oval baking dish. Bake the fruit until it is somewhat broken down and bubbling, 15-20 minutes.

Meanwhile, process the oatmeal in a food processor until fine, about 30-60 seconds. Add the flour,  sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt and pulse to combine. Add the butter and pulse until the mixture looks like gravel with some pea-size pieces of butter, about 5 pulses. with some pea-sized butter bits. Add the yogurt and pulse until the dough begins to come together, about 7 pulses. Add the ginger and pulse once or twice to incorporate the ginger. Chill the dough while the fruit bakes.

When the fruit is bubbling, remove the dish from the oven. Divide the biscuit dough rough balls (rustic looks good), about an inch in diameter, and place them evenly over the hot fruit. Sprinkle the tops with coarse sugar (if using.)  Bake the cobbler until the biscuits are golden on top and the fruit is bubbling thickly 15-20 more minutes. Let the cobbler cool for at least 20 minutes to allow the fruit to thicken up. Serve the cobbler warm or at room temperature.